Garfield Heights High School Class of 1967
Garfield Heights, Ohio
The “Lady Bulldogs” met for lunch at Mavis Winkle's in Twinsburg on July 16th.
Great dinner with classmates at Harry's Steakhouse in Independence on June 29.
FIRST ROW: Fronek, Cannon, Marzano, Mantifel, Fecko, Seman.
SECOND ROW: Cardamone, Ulanski, Majewski, Holovach, Delewski, Jinks, Russler.
THIRD ROW: Begovic, Newman, Harvilla, Moritz, Broski, Vah.
FOURTH ROW: Kessler, Lewayne, Trende, Papa, Mayer, Powell, Breznikar, Colquitt.
The carefully chosen Hall Guards of Garfield High are essential in maintaining conduct in our halls at all times. In conjunction with allowing only students with proper authorization from a teacher to pass during class time, they direct students, run errands for school personnel and often welcome guests. They can be identified easily by the blue and gold armbands worn while at their post. This organization's supervisor is Mr. Adam Rogalsky.